Tourism is a new driver of the country's development

As mentioned before, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and the Mir Arab Higher Madrasah.

As a practical result of cooperation, a meeting was organized for professor-teachers and students of the Higher Madrasa with professors of the Academy and the doctor of economics, academician Nurislom Tukhliev and professor Ravshan Abdullayev.

According to the visit program, academician Nurislom Tukhliev presented the tasks of implementing the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy in the "Year of Youth and Business Support" and professor Ravshan Abdullayev gave a speech on the topic "Pilgrimage tourism in Uzbekistan and its development prospects".

The delegates of the Academy got acquainted with the activities of the Higher Madrasa and the conditions created for the students.

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